Friday, July 31, 2009

Roles for Nighthawks

This is just a reminder for those who have contacted me in regards to roles for Nighthawks. It's true that I've started casting for some of the roles in the first installment of the project but there are many roles I've yet to fill for the next couple of episodes so, please, don't feel your being overlooked as I will be contacting you for reads once this all gets underway. If everything goes as planned this may go on for sometime with some very interesting and out there stories.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another casting session

A big 'thank you' to all who showed up for the last auditions. Now it's time for round 2. A pretty notice like the previous one will be posted shortly but in a nutshell it will be at Cinevic again this Saturday, Aug.1 from 10 am to 5 pm. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Non Union Casting Call:

Nighthawks – Independent Feature Film

Written & Directed By: Art Messenger

Produced By: Robyn Unwin, Melissa de Haan, Jordan Clark


FRIDAY JULY 24th, 2009 5PM-10PM &

SATURDAY JULY 25th, 2009 9AM-4PM


Cinevic Society of Independent Filmmakers
2202 Douglas St
Victoria BC

The following is a call for the upcoming project entitled "Nighthawks" which is the story of Lee, a returning Afghan vet who, after returning to his rural home, makes the decision to pursue his artistic hopes in the city. Guided by a childhood friend Lee comes to the city and soon meets fellow artistic bohemians who share the same hopes and aspirations he does all the while dealing with the realities of living in the hard world of urban street life; a world fraught with drugs, violence and emotional pitfalls. Lee's experiences of dealing with the homeless, the addicted and the disenfranchised lead him to better understand the world around him, his art and, most importantly, himself


Gender/ Age



Male 25-35

Both mischievous and irreverent Dylan is still capable of insight and thoughtfulness. Lee's best friend since childhood. 



Female 20-30

Somewhat hard around the edges Sam is a woman used to a certain amount freedom and has no problem 'calling 'em as she sees 'em'.



Female 20-30

Carm has an exotic flair who, like Sam, prefers to call her own shots but generally has a more gentle demeanor. Sam's closest friend.



Female 35-45

Barbara is a local gallery owner who's interest in the arts almost matches her 'cougarish' nature. Outwardly confident and chic she's most comfortable when she 'lets her hair down'.



Male 25-35

Isaac is the local tough guy who has his hand in drugs, prostitution etc. Isaac's ambitions to climb the crime ladder leads to confrontations with Lee and his friends.



Male 55-65

Tom is Lee's father. A rugged hardworking country man with a wry sense of humour.



Male 20-30

Lee's brother. Pete is somewhat more stoic than Lee with a more 'common sense' approach to life.



Female 20-30

Young and beautiful Stacy is the love Lee leaves behind. Feisty and usually good humoured Stacy has a bit of a rough and tumble aspect to her.



Male 20-25

Lee's younger brother. Kyle has an adventurous streak and has been known to get in trouble on a few occasions. 



Male 35+Chris has been living on the streets for some time. There is a certain sageness and gentleness that belies what we might perceive would be the case considering how hard life must be for him.         

Please book your time through 

You may also show up during the times specified – we will get you in as soon as possible. 

Sides will be provided beforehand for confirmed appointments and also at the casting sessions.

For more information please visit

Thank you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Congrats to fellow filmmakers

I'd like to send out a hearty congratulations to both Jim Knox and Louie Lawless on the completion of principal photography for their respective projects which happen to be feature lengths as well. I was lucky enough to be involved in Jim's shoot and was blown away by the professionalism and work ethic of both cast and crew. I heard the same was true for Louie's shoot as well. 
Jordan Clark, one of the co-producers fro "Nighthawks" is in the final stages of post production for his latest documentary "The Aswang Phenomenon" which I was privileged to see at a recent screening. Just goes to prove that Victoria is loaded with very talented and and hardworking members of the filmmaking community.  

Long overdue update

Sorry about the lengthy delay in updating the old blog. Much has been happening in the last little while that put it on the back burner more or less. Some may already know this but the project was put in a bit of jeopardy due to a change of City of Victoria permit policies. On the surface it appeared so bad I was even contemplating taking "Nighthawks" to Vancouver. Luckily these proposed changes have been put off until the fall and even with that I've been assured by the city that it won't be as draconian as it first appeared. So Victoria is still a 'go'. That being said the casting process is going to proceed in earnest very shortly. Confirmation from Cinevic that their space will be available for Friday the 24th evening and Saturday the 25th day is all that's needed to get the ball rolling so stay tuned. Ana de Lara and Melissa de Haan will be sending out notices shortly.