Friday, April 24, 2009

Casting Soon

Hi all. Been talking to other filmmakers around town recently and it sounds like I wasn't the only one busy with other projects in the last little while. Congrats to all that got another shoot under their belt.
I'm starting some reads next week and will be in touch shortly about trying to arrange a schedule. My plan is to do small groups at a time so that there isn't that awkward 'bottleneck' feel when reads are, supposedly, done like clockwork. This process may take two weeks but we'll get it done. Some of the roles are for the still incomplete 3rd episode but I have enough material that 'sides' shouldn't be an issue. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm Back

My apologies to everybody that's been following this blog. For the last few weeks I was involved in the pre-production as 1st AD for Bryan Skinner's new project. In a strange quirk of fate I also ended up as one of the Executive Producers as well. Not a combo I'd recommend for new filmmakers as it just absorbs all sorts of time and energy but I also have no regrets as this is going to be one wonderful little film once finished in post and working with a great, cast, crew and director is always a welcome opportunity.
Now that I've got that behind me it's full bore ahead with putting everything together for "Nighthawks". I promise to be in touch soon with casting details and a progress report on times and schedules.